Rooms & Suites
Each one of the hotel's 472 guestrooms is a statement of luxury and comfort. With a total of 72 spacious and opulent suites, the guestroom are tastefully furnished and equipped with state-of-the-art facilities that the Palace of the Golden Horses in Kuala Lumpur has to offer.
For reservations and further enquiries, please contact us at
Deluxe Room

With a total of 392 rooms, the Deluxe Room has a sizeable dimension of 40 sq.m. eac.h Guests are entitled to a choice of a King or Twin beds with a serene garden view or the calming lake view.
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Executive Suite

Sit back, unwind and enjoy a tete-a-tete session with a potential client in this spacious 55 sq.m. suite. Suited for the busy, business executive, these 21 suites are carefully designed with a touch of modernism in mind. Book Now »
Minister's Suite

With the lounge area separated from the bedroom, this suite offers privacy for guests requiring more privacy. Dimension of the suite is 85 sq.m. with a colonial feel for its interior decor, the Minister's Suite is perfect for the long-staying guest. Book Now »
Head of State Suite

It’s a home away from home. With a space of 132 sq.m., this suite offers the comfort and lifestyle of a cozy, warm home. Tastefully built with elegance as its priority, there are only 20 rooms of such stature. Book Now »
Host Nation Suite

1 suite, 1 theme, 185sq.m. Adorned with old-fashioned colonial British charm, this suite is perfect for a family or your next business trip. Have meetings in the suite's private room-with-a-view or just lounge in the spacious living area. Book Now »
Golden Suite

Space redefined! Live like royalty in this 3-storey suite. Be part of the elite set: the likes of HM Queen Elizabeth of Great Britain, HM Crown Price of Dubai, HE President of China, HM King of Morocco and many other royalties that have graced this suite during their visit to Malaysia. Be charmed with authentic Tudor interior, tastefully furnished to make it a right royal experience. Book Now »